Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Physical Labor

Prostate Treatment

I often feel bad after physical labor (in particular, in the prostate area). How much workload should I have suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia, for example, in the garden? I live in a house in a rural area so I work in the garden a lot. Could you tell me how to define your optimal workload?


I would like to give you a key tip immediately. If you have been doing something for the recovery foe a while, but the result is still below your expectations – stop doing it and try to analyze your actions (it would be much easier to find out what is wrong in this state). Do not worry about the time spent on reflection and inactivity. Learn once and for all to listen to your own body and draw the appropriate (and correct) conclusions. This analytical pause would be much more useful than mindless actions. Nowadays people give each other lots of adviceswhich are available on the Internet. This is great, but you should adjust everything to yourself.

Most specialists claim that benign prostatic hyperplasia can be overcome or slowed down by physical activity (physical labor is considered to be one of its kinds) and hardly anybody explains how it should happen. It gave rise to a false stereotype about the use of almost any kind of movements for people suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Let’s look at several examples of garden activities (by the way, this question is frequently asked). I will try to explain as simply as possible and if you understand me correctly, you will gain nothing else but profit.

Imagine yourself in the garden doing manual weeding or hilling. In this case, your gardening tool is a hoe. You select a certain position for your body cultivating the soil. You usually slightly bend and go on like this until the end of work or a break. The muscles of your arms are more or less active and your feet are hardly engaged in the activity. And that is all. The pelvis and spine are almost motionless. A certain group of muscles covering this area (including about-prostatic muscles) is under constant pressure (without relaxation), i.e., these muscles are subjected to all the negative impacts of this type of load (for example, oxygen deficiency). If you need to subdue a large part of the land and you do it in one go, there will be problems not only with the prostate gland. The situation is betterwhen you operate with the rake. Your body moves livelier during this activity.

If possible, try to shorten the time of physical activity to 10 – 15 minutes. It is much easier to focus on the quality of movement and breathing in such periods. Make sure to stretch your body parts that are motionless during the breaks. Twists and turns, the rotation of the torso are the most appropriate in your case. If the task is to perform several types of work, alternate them in the same time period combining with pauses. Feel free to walk more (this is unlikely to be rational, but useful). Start the cultivation of the land in different parts of the land. You will be able to understand more about muscles if you read other publications on this web-site. Those interested users who visit my web-site for the first time and from this page can take a look at the list of articles and continue exploring more interesting information.

In addition, you have to protect yourself from overheating in hot weather. Do not expose parts of your body to direct sunlight. Remember to protect yourself from hypothermia (it is extremely dangerous!) in cold weather. I strongly advise you to forget about using inorganic compounds for your needs. Also take the time to improve or remake your gardening tools (sharpen, lengthen or shorten, widen or make them narrower). And, ofcourse, avoidanytypesofinjuries.

It is time to sum everything up. Monotonous (routine) work will not bring you any good if you suffer from BPH. On the contrary, it might provoke complication of the disease, as muscle contractions are highly conditional.Physical activity (especially long) is not therapeutic exercise. Some muscles have spasms during it. Proper breathing is difficult to apply. You are focused on performance and not on your health so progress is impossible.

Last but not least, I hope you do not do anything else which is harmless for your health. Here is an example. One day I received an e-mail letter saying ‘Dear author, I need your help. I have great desire to overcome benign prostatic hyperplasia. I am very active, energetic, not old and I love to work. My main hobby is working on the dacha.  I don’t smoke, but I drink 100 grams of self-made vodka before every dinner. I am interested in your eighth chapter and I want to get it as soon as possible.I want to start the new gardening season being in a great shape, without BPH’.

The only thing I advised was to say ‘no’to all bad habits, including alcohol. Needless to say, the correspondence immediately stopped, because it is noteasy to give up this very harmful addiction. I didn’t send the hidden eighth chapter to that man and I have no idea how he is now.

I think my answer to your question is quite irrefragable and practical for every interested visitor of this resource.

You are welcome to getacquainted with the method Living Without BPH (also available in Turkish, French, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese).

This text is available in German, Portuguese, Russian.


Gennady Plotyan – the author of the content about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Preparation of the project (sources, links, help)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Physical Labor
Название статьи
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Physical Labor
Load can be Different and Spasms During the Wrong Treatment can be Caused when Working in the Garden