BPH Symptoms (Identify, but do not Panic!)

Prostate Treatment
Every living creature cannot exist forever in the universe. We are subject to aging which is often accompanied by painful symptoms. The prostate is no exception. A person who hears about the difficult diagnosis experiences a kind of shock (with the help of psychological manipulation by some unscrupulous doctors). A state of despair accompanies men who are realists. “How horrible! Why is this happening with me? What should I do?” is the first set of thoughts. The most important thing is to stop panicking, because reasonable actions cannot be performed under stress. Next. It is better not to recall all the past mistakes in relation to your own health. It is no use, after all! Do not neglect the services of traditional medicine in terms of diagnosis, especially, if you have access to do it with good equipment and decent high-level professionals. Self-advertisement is not in the rules of the author, but the basis of this web resource is a method of benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment. Even if you are not physically active, look through the website. There is a list of all the articles in the left part on each page. Headlines correspond to the topics of the presentation. A lot of information here suggests engaging your muscle into activity. The basic rule you should comply with is not to hurt yourself! Believe me, there is a certain amount of available knowledge which allows stopping the development of the disease.

Symptoms BPH

The main features of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which require further diagnosis, are the following:

  • thinning, splitting of jet during urination;
  • the difficulty of the whole process of urination;
  • sudden desire to urinate;
  • more frequent desire to urinate than usual (for more than several weeks);
  • frequent urination during the day (for more than several weeks);
  • frequent urination at night, during the phase of prolonged sleep (nocturia);
  • a feeling of incomplete emptying after urination;
  • unpleasant itching in the crotch area, desire to massage it, usually after taking spicy or oily food in liquid form full of carcinogens;
  • frequent problems with defecation;
  • ongoing dull pain in the groin area (although some doctors deny it).

Remember that benign prostatic hyperplasia might be asymptomatic, and it is not uncommon. There is the opinion on the Internet that you do not need to treat such kind of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This is a very serious mistake and its justification requires a separate article. All these features appear in partial combination, although this is not a dogma, especially in the early stages of the disease.

This resource is multilingual. Guidelines are also available in Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, French, Russian, Polish, German.


Gennady Plotyan, the author of the website and the method Living without BPH.

Preparation of the project (the list of sources, links, help)

BPH Symptoms (Identify, but do not Panic!)
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BPH Symptoms (Identify, but do not Panic!)
The situation in which panic and stress when identifying signs of disease are harmful for your health ☎ +38 (code of Ukraine) 093-024-77-88