Prostate Massage (When Needed and when Harmful?)

Prostate Treatment
Prostate massage (finger or probe) is an attempt to improve blood circulation in the prostate area for a short time by rubbing and pressing. Some adventurers try to massage through vibration therapeutic effect. Here you can find out about actual ways of prostate massage, its use and its harm.

Prostate massage for prostatitis, chronic prostatitis

The inflammatory process in the body of the prostate. Prostate massage is not only approved by official medicine (finger massage) but also by many legal and quasi-legal structures (they sell their own devices – usually with vibration). Finger massage has very short effect, i.e. after completion of the course painful symptoms return. The effect of devices is rather questionable. I’m sure any reputable doctor will not apply these devices. It is very important to know that if you have any pain in the prostate, massage is strictly prohibited.


Prostate Massage (When Needed and when Harmful?)

Benign tumor with formation and growth of nodes often constricting the urethra. In this case, any interference in the form of pressure, kneading the back part of the prostate causes negative effects (prolonged pain, further swelling and growth of the tissue affected by the tumor). Manufacturers of the abovementioned devices for prostate massage in chronic prostatitis are trying to increase their sales at the expense of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Avoid such products so as not to aggravate the problem.

Cancer of the prostate

Carcinoma of the prostate. All types of massage of the prostate, in this case, are strictly prohibited.

Main conclusions

  • Prostate massage possibilities are very limited;
  • An attempt to improve the condition of the prostate gland is always effective when you take complex measures and prostate massage should be one of many aspects.

And now here is the morality.

Health is in that body, whose heart performs the function of a high-class pump and vessels are only conducive to its work. This process is called the quality blood circulation. Therapeutic effect increases when such circulation occurs after a conscious complete activity. The difference between circulation (as the result of movement in combination with breathing) and microcirculation (i.e. prostate massage) is significant. Do not lull your consciousness with unproductive procedures. Reasonable physical exercise will bring you much more benefit than passive massage. Find out more info about method Living without BPH on this web-site (also in: Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, French, Deutsch, Polish, Russian, Portuguese).

The content about symptoms, diagnostic issues, consequences of non-intervention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with the healthy lifestyle.


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